Full-Body – In-Gym


½ mile run on treadmill


4 rounds 12 reps each exercise

Circuit 1
  1. DB squats with arm curls
  2. DB squats to overhead DB press
  3. DB walking lunges with DB hammer curls
Circuit 2
  1. Bosu ball DB chest press
  2. Bosu ball push-ups w/ feet on Bosu
  3. Burpee push-ups with Bosu ball in hand
Circuit 3
  1. Bent over alternating DB back rows
  2. DB burpees
  3. Cable lat pull downs with 1-second hold each rep
  4. Superset with cable lat pull downs reverse grip with 1-second hold each rep
Circuit 4
  1. Floor sit-ups with a 25lb weight plate held up
  2. Mountain climbers with hands-on DBs
  3. Hanging leg raises from pull up bar.


Run 1 mile and walk uphill 1 mile
Static stretch.

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